Used to specify the text color of the entire ButtonBar using HTML hexadecimal color values when any button in the bar is pressed. If left unspecified, text size is chosen based on the device default. This size is adjusted based on the current density and user font size preference.

Used to specify the font size of the text for a particular button interpreted as "scaled pixel" units. Allowed values are: bold, bolditalic, italic, normal. Used to specify the style of the text for a particular button.

Button1 attributes, parameters, text (label) and action ButtonBar1 parameters and attributes (color, transparency, position, etc.) Head or "parent" node of the button.xml file all tags must be contained with this node as shown in the example below. Use care when assigning parameter values passing invalid can cause unpredictable behavior.If auto-rotate is required, the experience might be improved by creating separate button.xml files for portrait and landscape modes.Zebra recommends disabling auto-rotate when using custom button bars.Dedicated button.xml files might be necessary for targeting devices with varying screen resolutions.The positional- and size- related attributes (left, top, height and width) should be defined as per target device screen resolution and current screen orientation. The positional attributes, action, color, transparency and all other view-related parameters can be fully customized by specifying those values as key value pair in this XML file. Enterprise Browser currently supports 50 ButtonBars (ButtonBar1 through ButtonBar50) and all definitions are maintained in the button.xml file. The button.xml file stores all configuration settings for custom on-screen buttons of an app. NOTE: Enterprise Browser 2.5 (and higher) supports key layouts made with Zebra's Enterprise Keyboard Designer (EKD), a Windows-based utility for easily creating custom key layouts using point-and-click. See Customize Enterprise Browser for details. ButtonBars can be shown and hidden programmatically as required by an app's pages through methods implemented in one of 50 ButtonBar APIs currently supported. Both files are stored on the device, and their paths are specified in corresponding tags in the app's Config.xml file.
Buttonbar simulate click code#
If one or more of the buttons is to execute JavaScript, the code is contained in a second file called CustomScript.xml. The number of buttons or keys and the appearance, layout, on-screen position, functions and all other attributes are controlled through a file called button.xml.
Buttonbar simulate click for android#
Apps made with Enterprise Browser 1.7 (and higher) for Android can be accompanied by a series of custom on-screen buttons or keys that can perform virtually any function available to the device, including launching an app or activity, scanning a barcode, sending an intent or executing a JavaScript code snippet.